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Фиг. 1: Dancing to the clapping of bands. Egyptian, from the tomb of Ur-ari-en-Ptah, 6th Dynasty, about 3300 B.C. (British Museum.)

Фиг. 2: Greek Figures in a solemn dance. From a vase at Berlin.

Фиг. 3: The hieroglyphics describe the dance.

Фиг. 4: Egyptian hieroglyphic for "dance."

Фиг. 5: Cyprian limestone group of Phoenician dancers, about 6.5 in. high. There is a somewhat similar group, also from Cyprus, in the British Museum. The dress, a hooded cowl, appears to be of great antiquity.

Фиг. 6: Phoenician patera, from Idalium, showing a religious ritual dance before a goddess in a temple round a sun emblem.

Фиг. 7: Female Figure smelling a lotus. From a painting in the British Museum.

Фиг. 8: Dance of Bacchantes, painted by the ceramic painter, Hieron. (British Museum.)

Фиг. 9: Dancing Bacchante. From a vase in the British Museum.

Фиг. 10: Greek terra cotta dancing girl, about 350 B.C. (British Museum.)

Фиг. 11: The Gěrănŏs from a vase in the Museo Borbonico, Naples.

Фиг. 12: Panathenaeac dance, about the 4th century B.C.

Фиг. 13: A military dance, supposed to be the Corybantum. From a Greek bas-relief in the Vatican Museum.

Фиг. 14: Greek dancer with castanets. (British Museum.) See also Castanet dance by Myron, Фиг. 63a.

Фиг. 15: Cymbals (about 4 in.) and double flute. (British Museum.)

Фиг. 16: Greek dancers. From a vase in the Hamilton Collection.

Фиг. 17: Bacchanalian dancer. Vase from Nocera, Museum, Naples.

Фиг. 18: Greek dancers and tumblers.

Фиг. 19: Etruscan bronze dancer with eyes of diamonds, found at Verona. Now in the British Museum.

Фиг. 20: Etruscan dancer. From a painting in the Grotta dei Vasi dipinti—Corneto.

Фиг. 21: Etruscan dancing and performances. From paintings in the Grotta della Scimia Corneto, about 500 B.C.

Фиг. 22: Etruscan Dancing. From the Grotta del Triclinio.—Corneto.

Фиг. 23: Funeral dance in the obsequies of a female. From a painted tomb near Albanella.

Фиг. 24: Funeral dance. From Capua.

Фиг. 25: Funeral dance from the same tomb.

Фиг. 26: Bacchante leading the Dionysian bull to the altar. Bas-relief in the Vatican.

Фиг. 27: Bacchante. From a fresco, Pompeii, 1st century B.C.

Фиг. 28: Dancer. From a fresco in the Baths of Constantine, 4th century A.D.

Фиг. 29: Gleemen's dance, 9th century. From Cleopatra, Cotton MS. C. viii., British Museum.

Фиг. 30: Dancing to horn and pipe. From an Anglo-Saxon MS.

Фиг. 31: Anglo-Saxon sword dance. From the MS. Cleopatra, C. viii., British Museum.

Фиг. 32: Sword dance to bagpipes, 14th century. From 2 B vii., Royal MS., British Museum.

Фиг. 33: Herodias tumbling. From a MS. end of 13th century (Addl. 18,719, f. 253b), British Museum.

Фиг. 34: A tumbler, as caryatid. Rouen Cathedral, 13th century.

Фиг. 35: 14th century dancers. A and C are tumblers; B, tumbling and balancing to the tambour; D, a woman dancing around a whipped bear; E, jesters dancing.

Фиг. 36: A, man dancing and playing pipes, carrying a woman; B, jumping through a hoop; C, a stilt dance. 14th century.

Фиг. 37: Italian dance. From an engraving, end of 15th century, attributed to Baccio Baldini.

Фиг. 38: Italian dancing, the end of the 15th century.

Фиг. 39: Chamber dance, 15th century. From a drawing by Martin Zasinger.

Фиг. 40: Dancing in a "pleasure garden," end of the 15th century. French, from the "Roman de la Rose," in the British Museum.

Фиг. 41: Fancy dress dance of Wildemen of the 15th century. From MS. 4379 Harl, British Museum.

Фиг. 42: Comic dance to pipe and tabor, end of 15th century. From pen drawing in the Mediaeval House Book in the Castle of Wolfegg, by the Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet.

Фиг. 43: A dance of Angels and Saints.

Фиг. 44: Dancing angels. From a 'Nativity' by Sandro Botticelli, circa 1500 A.D.

Фиг. 45: Albert Durer, 1514 A.D.

Фиг. 46: Albert Durer.

Фиг. 47: Scenes from dances. German, dated 1546, by Hans Sebald Beham.

Фиг. 48: A torchlight military dance of the early 16th century. From a picture by Hans Burgkmair.

Фиг. 49: La Galliarde. From the "Orchesographie" of Thoinot Arbeau (Jean Tabourot), Langres, 1588.

Фиг. 50: Morris dancers. From a window that was in the possession of George Tollett, Esq., Birtley, Staffordshire, 16th century.

Фиг. 51: Court dance. From a drawing by Callot, 1635 A.D.

Фиг. 52: Comic dancers. By Callot, from the act entitled "Balli di Sfessama," 1609 A.D.

Фиг. 53: Country dance. From a drawing by John Evangelist Holtzer, 17th century.

Фиг. 54: A ball-room dance, Le Bal Pare, of the 18th century. From August de l'Aubin.

Фиг. 55: A dance in the 18th century. From a painting by Hogarth.

Фиг. 56: Caricature of a dancing master. Hogarth.

Фиг. 57: Spring dancing away from winter. From a drawing by Watteau.

Фиг. 58: The Misses Gunning dancing. End of the 18th century, from a print by Bunbury, engraved by Bartolozzi.

Фиг. 59: Dancing. Close of the 18th century. From Derby ware.

Фиг. 60: Spanish dance in the Hall of Saragoza, 19th century.

Фиг. 61: Mlle. de Camargo. After a painting by Lancret, about 1740 A.D.

Фиг. 62: Pauline Duvernay at Covent Garden, 1833-1838.

Фиг. 63: Mlle. Fanny Ellsler. From a lithograph by A. Lacaucbie.

Фиг. 63a: Dancing satyr playing castanets, by Myron, in the Vatican Museum. The action is entirely suggestive of that of Fanny Ellsler, and might be evidence of the antiquity of the Spanish tradition.

Фиг. 64: Mlle. Taglioni. From a lithograph of the period.

Фиг. 65: Pas de Trois by Mlles. Ferraris, Taglioni, and Carlotta Grisi.

Фиг. 66: Mlle. Adeline Genee, 1906. Photo, Ellis and Walery.

Фиг. 67: Mlle. Anna Pavlova, 1910. From a photo by Foulsham and Banfield.

Фиг. 68: Mlle. Sophie Fedorova.

Фиг. 69: Japanese Court Dance.

Фиг. 70: Indian dancing-girl.

Фиг. 71: Patagonian dancers to fife and tabor.

Фиг. 72: Tibetan religious dancing procession, 1908 a.d.


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