What does a Dance Sport Competition look like, how much time does it take, what is being judged? Here you can find the answers to these questions as well as learn about the different age groups and other topics connected with Dance Sport.
Let us emphasize that the question is not about Age Restriction. There is no such thing – no matter how old you are - if you feel like dancing it means that you can dance.
Age Groups are initiated so that people at one age can compete with people at the similar or almost the same age.
In Bulgaria the age group for the smallest ones is Juvenile I. Then the age groups that follow are Juvenile II, Junior I, Junior II, Youth, Adults (competitors over 19 years old) and Seniors. A couple can change its status by switchnig from Amateurs to Professionals.
The following is the age division according to the IDSF's regulations:
Juvenile I: reach 9th birthday or less in the calendar year.
Juvenile II: reach 10th and 11th birthday in the calendar year.
Junior I: reach 12th and 13th birthday in the calendar year.
Junior II: reach 14th and 15th birthday in the calendar year.
Youth: reach 16th, 17th and 18th birthday in the calendar year.
Adult: reach 19th birthday or more in the calendar year.
Senior I: reach 35th birthday or more in the calendar year.
Senior II: reach 45th birthday or more in the calendar year.
To be able to switch over to the next Age Group, at least one of the partners should be the required minimum age for the next group.
The Competitive Class shows the level of development or how advanced a given dancing couple is. The higher the class - the better the couple - and more skillful and promising at the same time (at least theoretically).
In Bulgaria the competitive classes begin with Class E (initiated for the first time in 2008) and go upwards as follows: D, C, B, A and M. To switch over to a higher class one has to obtain the required number of points. It happens the following way:
A given dancing couple begins dancing in Tournaments, starting from Class E. According to the place the couple takes at different competitions, different amount of points is gained; and when they reach a definite number of points – they switch over to a higher competitive class.
The number of the required points and - on the other hand – the number of the competitive classes can vary in the different countries. However, what is identical is that the nearer to the beginning of the alphabet the letter is, the more skillful is the couple. High Competitive Class couples can take part in International Tournaments, European and World Championships.
Of course, in any country Open Tournaments, Regional Competitions, National Competitions and other competitions (like “Bulgaria Cup Competition”) are organized regularly.
More detailed and clear information you can find in the website of the Bulgarian DanceSport Federation (BDSF), which is a member of the International DanceSport Federation (IDSF).
According to information from its site, as of 2012 IDSF will adopt a new identity in order to contunue to develop and spread DanceSport around the world - the IDSF will become the WDSF - World DanceSport Federation. You can read more on this topic on the official site of WDSF.
competition is announced in advance. The dancing couples are supposed to register in their competitive class. According to the number of the couples that will take part in the competition is decided from which round they will begin to compete. Round I(Preliminary), Round 2, Quarter-Final, Semi-Final, Final.
A binding rule for Class E, D and C is to dance both Standard and Latin Dances (Class E are not allowed to dance Samba, Paso Doble, Viennese Waltz and Foxtrot and class D - Paso Doble and Foxtrot), while the couples from the other class categories can choose between dancing both Latin and Standard dances or just one of the disciplines.
In each round of the competition the couple performs each dance for one and a half minute. An exception to this rule is the one-minute performance for The Viennese Waltz and The Jive and also the two or three highlights of the Paso Doble. The couples dance in series and the number of the couples in a series can vary. Usually a series can have six or seven couples (if the dancing floor is bigger they could be even more).
The performance of the dancing couples is judged by judges, the number of whom can vary as well. The more important the competition is - the bigger is the number of the judges.
And the factors that a judge weighs in assessing a couple's performance are quite a lot. That is why some people think this sport is prejudiced. However, that is a subject of another topic. The most important factors a judge should have in mind are the togetherness and expression of the couple, their skillfulness and artistic performance.
Everything presented up so far is just a small part of all that could be said. Competent opinions and professional points of view you can find in the websites I have put in the “Links” section. You can also get acquainted to the new competitive regulations of Dance Sport of BGDSF.