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dancehistory.trueillusion.bg is a website, devoted to the idea of giving comparatively clear, understandable and full information about the Dance Sport history and world.

"The difference between sport and art is that sometimes,
not always, art has a message. Sport doesn't."
Donnie Burns

Latest news

  • As of 19/08/11, as a form of protest against the totally clueless and destructive management of the Bulgarian DanceSport Federation, the updating of the gallery has been suspended.

  • According to information from the IDSF's official site, in 2012 the Federation will adopt a new identity - an act that comes out as a result form the desire to develop and spread the DanceSport all around the world. IDSF will become WDSF - World DanceSport Federation.
    You can read more about the new idea and its goals on the official sites of IDSF and WDSF.

  • All dead links on the site have been removed. All videos for the Latin-American dances have been updated!

  • As of July, 3rd the International Dance Sport Federation has a new emblem (logo);

A few words about this site

This is the second and also improved version of the website! The first one existed from November, 2007 up to February, 2008.

Everything this website offers is easily accessed because of the two menus – the menu at the top and the one at the right. Also you can see the additional references at the bottom. The top menu gives summary information about the different aspects of Dance Sport, as well as it gives references to other websites that may come of use. Use the menu on the right to reach information about the different dances.

In the section webmaster you will find information about:
the webmaster himself, the way you can reach him and a few facts about this website.
There is a special Dance-Search Engine in the “Links” section which you can use to find more information in Google.

For quick access and orientation use the sitemap.

If you have any useful suggestions regarding this website, you can contact me, in order to improve everything together!

I'll do my best to update the video clips at least once a month but I can't promise anything. However - don't hesitate to return to this site more than frequently!

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