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Historic Illustration of Dancing

Dancing in the period from 1300 BC to 1911 AD – a translation of the "The Dance (by An Antiquary) Historic Illustrations of Dancing from 3300 B.C. to 1911 A.D."

"Dancing is the poetry of motion, and its connection with music,
as the poetry of sound, occurs at all times…"

Welcome to DanceHistory - Time Travel!

This section of the site, which is both a translation and a review, is dedicated to dancing and the way it used to be presented through the years using another form of art – drawing.
One needs to lay a special emphasis on the fact that what we have here is not a detailed history of dancing as a form of art, but just a review of the way dancing developed during the centuries, having in mind the pictures and drawings preserved down to the present day.

The information given here can be viewed as a larger preface (concerning the time period) to the one given in the main section of the website.
As mentioned in many places up to now, the period that is to be discussed here includes the years between 3300 BC and 1911 AD. The time frame including the dances in the main section of this website is more abstract. However, it could be traced back from the 17th century to the present.
Thus, not pretending to be a complete history of the dancing, DanceHistory offers its visitors a glance at the way dancing developed as a form of art through almost all the years that it has existed.

We are bound to mention the main source of information used here. It is a free translation from the book of an anonymous author (an archaeologist, as the original title states) "The Dance (by An Antiquary) Historic Illustrations of Dancing from 3300 B.C. to 1911 A.D.", which can be found at the following web address: http://www.Gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page.

This E-book is for the use of anyone, anywhere, at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever since 12th February, 2005. It is written in English and it is first published in paper in 1911 (according to unconfirmed reports).

You are kindly asked before copying and using the materials in the pages of this website to read the Terms of Use!

Navigation in this part of the site

The changes in the main (top) menu (in the upper part of the page) are as follows:

  • The link “Home” will bring you back to this page.
  • The link “Literature” will take you to the page with the sources that are used, mentioned and quoted in the original book.
  • In “Illustrations” you can find a full list of the pictures and drawings (full size image) used in the present translation.
  • The last link will take you to the main directory of DanceHistory, i.e. “Home”.

The menu on the right helps you visit the different chapters of the book .

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